Your years at university should bring with them the chance to experience and enjoy all that life has to offer while getting the very best education to set you up for the future that lies ahead.
Before you know it, the time will have flown by, so you owe it to yourself to make the very most of every moment and to do that, it’s important to be prepared. If you’re beginning a course at one of the Leicester universities soon, we’ve put together a few tips for when you start at uni to help you have the very best experience from the get go.
Top Tips For Starting Uni Life
- Find out when the semester starts at your Leicester university. Once you have found the property that you will be staying in, make sure that you are moved in with enough time to get properly settled before the course starts.
- Once you have access to the university information system or platform, explore it and familiarise yourself with it. This way you won’t feel that you’re falling behind, once the semester starts, because you’re still trying to work out how to use the system.
- Make sure you enrol in your course. It might sound obvious, but it’s definitely worth checking if there are any forms to fill in or events to attend before you start.
- Join groups on social networks. This should give you a real feel for the way of life at the university and will also give you the chance to meet and make new friends who have similar interests to you.
- Attend meetings organised by your department or your course tutors. The last thing you want to feel is kept in the dark about things because you’ve missed out on some vital information.
- Register for freshers week events – it is a great way to meet new people! And some of the parties and events which take place should give you some fantastic lasting memories of your time at university.
- Once on campus, take a tour to find out what services are available to you. Most universities can feel vast to start off with, but, by exploring once you’re there and finding out where everything is, it will start to feel like home before you know it.
- Find your Students Union and join a sports club or a society. Again, this is a great chance to meet and make friends who have similar interests to you. Once you’re doing the things that you enjoy, it will help you settle into university life much quicker.
- Apply for NUS and ISIC cards to get all the student discounts. These are an absolute godsend when you are a student on a budget. You’d be surprised just how many money off deals there are out there, so why not take a look!
Make The Most Of Things!
The best way to get the very best experience of university life is to really get out there and explore and discover all that there is to offer around you. Whether you like the arts, sport, socialising or more, when you’ve chosen Leicester to be your university city, then it’s all for the taking. In addition, it’s important to be certain that you have a good base to start from – and that means finding the right student accommodation.
Book Your Viewing
At Westmanor Student Living, we have the very best selection of student accommodation in Leicester, so you can be sure to find the place that’s right for you. Get in touch with a member of our friendly and helpful team today to book your viewings.