Moving Out For The Summer

Moving Out For The Summer

It’s hard to believe that this academic year has already come to an end for Leicester students, but if you haven’t already started packing up for the summer, then now is the time to start giving it a go. Moving out of your Leicester student accommodation for the... Read more
Moving Out For The Summer

All Inclusive Leicester Student Housing

If you are in the process of looking for your student accommodation for the next academic year, have you considered all inclusive Leicester student housing? For students all over the UK it’s a great idea to start viewing properties as soon as possible, as, like with... Read more
Moving Out For The Summer

How To Prepare For Uni Life

Your years at university should bring with them the chance to experience and enjoy all that life has to offer while getting the very best education to set you up for the future that lies ahead. Before you know it, the time will have flown by, so you owe it to yourself... Read more